healthy lawn Tag

We’ve all heard that preparation is key to success. So is proper soil preparation in setting the tone for a lush lawn that will thrive throughout 2023! Follow our tried and tested advice with these four easy steps to help ensure your lawn flourishes. Test the...

While that familiar, but sometimes deafening, “Ha ha haaaaa” can be annoying to some, it’s the sound of a happy and healthy lawn for us! Why? Because the Hadeda Ibis is incredibly beneficial for your garden’s ecosystem.   Here’s why this notorious, proudly South African bird is...

The end of third term is just around the corner and both kids and parents are excited for the short break. However, keeping the kids entertained can sometimes prove to be quite challenging so we have come up with a few outdoor activities, now that...

Spring is calling…. Can you hear her? She is the sound of birds chirping earlier in the mornings, the scent of new flowers in the air, the bright green shoots on the trees, the warmer breezes blowing, and the longer afternoons before the sun sets...

While autumn can leave the garden looking messy, there’s a plus side to all those fallen leaves – nutrients! It’s a great time to start raking up all those dead leaves and putting them to good use in getting your lawn ready for winter. Firstly, it’s...

With winter just around the corner, we can’t begin to tell you how often we are asked about the secret to maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the colder months. The answer is simple, start your preparation in autumn. Mow with the flow. If you watch...

With winter just around the corner, we can’t begin to tell you how often we are asked about the secret to maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the colder months. The answer is simple; start your preparation in autumn. Mow with the flow. Watch the growth of...