lawn aertaion Tag

While that familiar, but sometimes deafening, “Ha ha haaaaa” can be annoying to some, it’s the sound of a happy and healthy lawn for us! Why? Because the Hadeda Ibis is incredibly beneficial for your garden’s ecosystem.   Here’s why this notorious, proudly South African bird is...

Spring is calling…. Can you hear her? She is the sound of birds chirping earlier in the mornings, the scent of new flowers in the air, the bright green shoots on the trees, the warmer breezes blowing, and the longer afternoons before the sun sets...

Lawn aeration is an important but often overlooked aspect of lawn care, especially during the dry winter season. Lawn needs plenty of air, water and nutrients to grow thick, deep and strong roots. A compacted lawn prevents these essentials from getting down to the grass...

Being in the business for nearly 40 years, there are so many questions we get asked about lawn care and maintenance. We have compiled a quick go-to list of all of the most frequently asked questions to make sure you grow the grass of your...

Just like you, your lawn and its soil need to breathe. Over time, soil becomes compacted and “full” of solid particles in a constrained space, preventing the proper circulation of air, water and nutrients which are vital for strong grass roots. Aeration is particularly important...