So, your brand-new instant lawn has just been laid and you’re more than ready to start enjoying it in all its green glory. But wait, we have four expert tips to help your newly planted grass thrive in its new home.
Water, water, water
This one seems like a no-brainer, but beware, the time of day when you water your lawn makes a massive difference to how well your grass grows. We advise against watering in the midday heat as the sun beating down on the wet grass blades can actually scorch your lawn! We recommend watering deeply once a day for the first week after planting, either in the late afternoons or early mornings.
For the ultimate golf course look, apply compost to even out any humps or bumps. Be sure to turn your rake backwards and pull the compost over the grass to fill in any gaps. Take your time with the application, you don’t want the compost to be too thick on your lovely new lawn. Once the grass grows through the compost, apply another layer – trust us, your lawn will be grateful for all your hard-work!
It might be tempting to give your lawn its first cut, but put the lawnmower away for a few days. Wait until you can’t lift the lawn before you hop on the mower. You can check if your grass is ready by grabbing the top of the grass blades and gently pulling the sod up, if it lifts then it’s not ready to be cut. When your grass is ready to be mown, set the lawnmower onto its highest setting and give it a small trim, just nipping off the tops of the grass blades.
Compost, again!
Once you’ve successfully given your lawn its very first mini mow, apply another layer of compost. This thin top dressing will help boost your grass’ root growth, making it grow strong and lush!
For quality instant lawn grown by experts with over 30 years of experience in the grass-growing business, order from Evangrass!
Contact us on office@evangrass.co.za or (031) 785 1388/1612 to order your high-quality instant lawn today!
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