Ever thought of planting grass seed? There are so many advantages to using seed – low initial cost, low labour investment and a large variety of lawn choices!
Dactyloctenium Australe, the well-know and very popular LM or Berea grass, is a lawn that spreads by means of stolons or runners, that form a lush green carpet in sun and shade. Here are some tips when planting your LM grass seed…
Benefits of LM/ Berea
- Low maintenance
- Excellent tolerance to drought and heat
- Adaptable to a wide variety of soil conditions
- Moderate traffic tolerance
- Grows well in sun or shade
What you need to sow grass seed
- Garden fork
- Metal rake
- Lawn dressing – we supply a product that has proven success our farm
- Superphosphate
- Balanced compost – ask us about our superior product created in-house
- Garden spade or roller
- Fine sand
- Hose pipe/ sprinkler
What to do:
- Prepare the planting area by turning over the soil with a garden fork and rake the surface to a fine tilth.
- Add compost or lawn dressing to the surface as well as 50g of superphosphate per square metre. Dig in thoroughly and rake the surface again.
- Mix the LM seed with some finely milled compost to bulk up the sowing mixture. This helps to spread the seed evenly.
- Scatter the mix of one 30g packet evenly over 10m2 of soil surface. Rake in extremely lightly so the seeds are covered by 3mm of soil. Roll the surface with a garden roller or pat down with the back of a spade.
- Water properly ensuring that no large puddles form. Keep the surface moist until the seeds have germinated and the grass is growing well.
Post-planting care and maintenance
- Once the grass is about 60mm tall, mow for the first time on the highest setting (about 40mm). Then continue to mow twice a week.
- Water the lawn regularly while it is establishing itself. It can tolerate dry periods but may turn brown during periods of insufficient water.
- Feed your lawn with fertiliser four times per year.
We supply an array of grass seed options from Mayford Seeds; offering a unique range of rehabilitation grass mixes that were developed to suit specific climatic regions within SA.
If you are looking to plant lawn seeds, contact us on office@evangrass.co.za to place an order!
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