Practicing effective lawn care can be easier said than done… believe us! Many people make the mistake of thinking that once planted, their lawn doesn’t need a bit of TLC, but a healthy and lush lawn takes consistent care throughout the year.
Here are our do’s and don’ts:
DO mow often
It’s common knowledge that lawns need to be mowed. The real question is: how often do I mow? We recommend once a week during the growing season and every ten days to two weeks after that. When you cut your grass regularly, it keeps the ends healthy and stimulates growth.
DON’T cut your grass too short
The ideal height for healthy grass is about 3cm. If you cut your grass too short, you put the root systems at risk preventing them from soaking up water and the nutrients they need to give you that healthy green look that everyone strives for. It also exposes the root systems to harsh sunlight, risking drying out.
DO water your lawn often
Watering your lawn regularly is crucial to ensure lush, soft blades. We recommend watering in the mornings between 6 and 10 am. This gives your grass time to absorb the moisture before the heat of the day kicks in. Note: Never cut wet grass, it can cause an uneven cut, root damage, the spreading of disease and build-up in your lawnmower.
DON’T overwater
When watering your lawn, it can be difficult to know when to stop. The amount of water your lawn needs may differ depending on what type of grass ie indigenous versus exotic. If you notice puddles forming or runoff, try watering at a slower, less intense rate. Different soil types absorb water at different rates too so that is something else to consider. Overwatering can cause damage to the root systems and make your lawn more prone to fungal growth.
DO fertilize and compost
Just like you and me, grass needs the proper nutrients to grow healthy and strong. You also have the option to use mulched grass clippings for a more natural approach. If you use store-bought fertilizer, make sure that you don’t fertilize on extremely hot days to avoid burning your grass. Composting is another important set to ensure the health of your lawn as it is filled with a variety of nutrients and microorganisms that your grass needs. Our chicken litter-based compost is mixed with growth- enhancing products, and is left to mature for a period of time for maximum nutrient absorption.
Evangrass can help you start off your lawn journey strong with quality instant lawn, contact us on office@evangrass.co.za to find out more about our lawn varieties and costs.
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