Are you hosting the family for Christmas this year? In that case, now is the perfect time to whip your garden into shape for summertime outdoor entertaining and ready for those Christmas celebrations.
1: Green up your grass
Your lawn provides the backdrop to a beautiful garden and a striking setting for a truly outdoor South African Christmas meal. Weed the lawn, level out the humps and bumps with compost, water and mow at least once a week during summer to ensure your lawn is Christmas Day- ready now.
2: Summer watering
Watering in summer can be tricky, it is important to water deeply, not daily. Set a watering schedule; your lawn needs about 3 to 3.5cm of water a week. Start with a regular routine now in time for a beautiful, green lawn on Christmas Day.
3: Spring-clean your yard
All those items that ‘might be useful one day’ but really haven’t ever been useful… now is the time to find them a new home! Any cracked garden gnomes can go too! Put away garden tools, compost bags, clean up the wood pile and find boxes for the kids’ toys ~ this will make such a difference right off the bat for getting your garden looking Christmas party ready!
- Tidy up plants
Snip off any dead leaves on plants, nip off dead buds and cut back over-grown bushes and branches on trees ~ a little trim to hedges and “messy” edges will work wonders in making your garden look neat and well-loved with only very little effort.
- Add a little festive cheer
Now to add the vibe to your garden! There’s no time to plant seedlings, so Christmas coloured potted plants such as Poinsettias will add a touch of traditional red to your garden and tie in to the Christmas theme. Outdoor fairy lights – draped in trees or on your veranda are a wonderful way to create the spirit of the season in your garden.
Evangrass wishes everyone happy holidays, a Merry Christmas and happy days spent in their gardens!
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